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Old 26-03-2012, 08:16   #106

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Re: My Boat Scares Me

If you're scared of your boat, hire someone to teach you how to get it in and out of the docks. Make sure you do it five or six times EACH DAY he or she comes, because each day will be different. But before you do ANYTHING at the dock, anchor a fender out in the water (or two, to approximate the slip entrance) -- and practice out there. You can learn to do it. It's different than driving, but anyone who can learn to drive can learn to put a boat in and out of a slip.
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Old 26-03-2012, 08:56   #107
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Re: My Boat Scares Me

At the risk of sounding sexist, I've always had an easier time moving up in the length of my boats than moving along to a new wife. The risks are about the same IMO... you need to learn the 'quirks' of each as 'Zee' said. Once you learn the unique and wonderful ways of each of them, they will give you years of enjoyment, a growing feeling of oneness and new, mostly pleasant surprises every time you turn around. I love the unpredictability under different conditions of each of them. The only thing I can think of about boats that differ from women is they occasionally jump up and bite you in the ass without warning... usually you get a warning from your spouse/partner when it is about to hit the fan. How they each perform under adverse circumtances is a measure of your judgement on getting involved with them in the first place. I do tend to keep my wives longer than my boats, however... Capt Phil
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Old 26-03-2012, 09:59   #108
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Re: My Boat Scares Me

Originally Posted by Capt Phil View Post
At the risk of sounding sexist, I've always had an easier time moving up in the length of my boats than moving along to a new wife. The risks are about the same IMO... you need to learn the 'quirks' of each as 'Zee' said. Once you learn the unique and wonderful ways of each of them, they will give you years of enjoyment, a growing feeling of oneness and new, mostly pleasant surprises every time you turn around. I love the unpredictability under different conditions of each of them. The only thing I can think of about boats that differ from women is they occasionally jump up and bite you in the ass without warning... usually you get a warning from your spouse/partner when it is about to hit the fan. How they each perform under adverse circumtances is a measure of your judgement on getting involved with them in the first place. I do tend to keep my wives longer than my boats, however... Capt Phil

Interesting Concept Capt'n, But, very true and honest.
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Old 26-03-2012, 13:15   #109
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Re: My Boat Scares Me

rofl--first time i docked my boat with me at helm---funny how males kinda take over. was easy--i only went up from 35 to 41 ft and added a coupla feet of beam and much freeboard-- was soooo easy-- i hope others also find this is the case, as it isnt good to have a fear of boat-- a righteous respect, yes, but fear-- could be a problem....
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Old 27-03-2012, 14:35   #110
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Re: My Boat Scares Me

I kinda do the Capt'n Ron Thing.... Usually people move... Note: ONly aim for the pricey stuff, the derelets will get in your way to get a new boat!
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Old 27-03-2012, 14:38   #111
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Re: My Boat Scares Me

Has anyone seen the new thing for docking that is a piece of PVC with a line running thru it and a small ball on the end? Runs froma spring line and then you power against it to bring you in. Gonna make a couple and check how it goes for me. I made a 'Landing Loop' type already and it helps to get teh line onto the dock. I have high freeboard and windage is an issue sometimes.
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Old 06-04-2012, 14:30   #112
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Re: My Boat Scares Me

Originally Posted by Don Lucas View Post
! Fromthe helm the bow seems a looooong way away!

I look forward to getting over this feeling. Except when bringing it into the dock that will never stop causing fear in me to grow.
Just wait till you are doing antifouling !!! you start at the sharp bit and work twards teh funny thing that hangs down in the middle.. that bit is easy... Then you look towards the blunt bit... your arms are hurting from painting over your head.. and it looks like you have to paint the skies of Oklahoma...

BUT when you are at sea it suddenly seems VERY small..... Enjoy
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