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Old 28-10-2012, 02:09   #211
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Re: i'm spending so much money it hurts

Sold my last boat thought it would be good to build one then had a rush of sh--t to the brain and bought another 1 third started boat so the challenge is to complete a 37 foot cat 2 hulls now complete and ready to roll over, the rush of sh--t to the brain is a 45 foot cat now one hull complete loads of other good things like fore beams and stuff already done mast for 37 footer complete now back at work to pay for this lunacy but what the hell sell the 37 when complete keep 45 and retire,( I hope) Bleeding cash is my specialty so far $50000 and diapering out the door at $1500 per week choke. Lucky the wife has a sense of humor .
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Old 28-10-2012, 03:00   #212
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Originally Posted by Red Charlotte

I speak Spanish and French. I've lived in both Mexico and France and while it's been quite a few years since I was actively speaking either, I'm pretty adept at languages so I know the higher level stuff will come back quickly.

Eric took high school Spanish and has been reviewing what he knows. We love the book 'Spanish for Cruisers' because of how much it pertains to the vocabulary of what we are doing.

I had to take an English speaking student to a hospital in France once. Excellent care but she was definitely stressed by not understanding what they were saying and glad I was there to translate.

We are hoping to be in places long enough to enroll Cora (and eventually Lyra) in local preschools and then schools to pick up on the languages as well. I teach English as a Second Language so once the new baby is old enough for me to work, I could potentially take on teaching contracts at schools where we enroll our daughters.
Excellent and good on ya both. Your kids are gonna get a great international experience that millions of US kids miss.

Enjoy the great adventure.
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Old 28-10-2012, 03:02   #213
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Originally Posted by minaret

Jimena is nice but David is a jerk.
It wouldn't be near as captivating without David the jerk...

He is so typical of westerners/gringos heading out in the world.. Such an arrogant ass...

How do you find the learning value. I grew up in socal and ashamedly only learned swear words.

This thing has me doing more than ever...
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You're gonna need a bigger boat... - Martin Brody
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Old 28-10-2012, 03:10   #214
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Re: i'm spending so much money it hurts

Originally Posted by Ex-Calif View Post
It wouldn't be near as captivating without David the jerk...

He is so typical of westerners/gringos heading out in the world.. Such an arrogant ass...

How do you find the learning value. I grew up in socal and ashamedly only learned swear words.

This thing has me doing more than ever...
For the price, I like it. Compare price wise to Rosetta Stone or similar. It's not as good, mind you, but for a few bucks per course compared to $500, it's great. And you can keep it on your tablet and phone so whenever you have a few minutes to kill you can "study".
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Old 14-12-2012, 23:57   #215
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Re: i'm spending so much money it hurts

If you have the funds (not debt), no worries, gotta spend it on something.
Congrats on your achievement of actually getting out there cruising full-time.
I can't even imagine doing it with a soon to be newborn baby. Hull repair and engine rebuilding is easy compared to that work! No disposable diapers here!
I do hope you will continue to contribute to CF once you are underway.
Cheers, JackB
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Old 15-12-2012, 00:32   #216
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Re: i'm spending so much money it hurts

Most of us here are most likely experts at hemorrhaging cash. I know I am.
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Old 15-12-2012, 01:30   #217
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Re: i'm spending so much money it hurts

RH, best of luck to you friend. I too have enjoyed your posts, both helpful and merely observational.

I don't have a family, just a lady friend I've got to keep safe, so my advice may be completely useless.

I bought a boat three months ago. I've just arrived in FL with the task of getting her up to snuff for a circumnav and would like to do it in no longer than four weeks. While the stress can be huge, I keep telling myself that for a majority of things, if it breaks and I can't fix it I'll do without.

If the engine or transmission or watermaker or mizzen sail, etc. etc. etc. goes I'll either be able to repair or figure out a way to keep going without. I do not have endless money. In fact my kitty is quite finite as I am only 32 and doing this on savings alone so no residual income coming in. Should I replace all the thru-hulls? Sure. But I'm only going to replace the one the surveyor recommended and hope for the best.

As many have already suggested, wants and needs are often comingled to the point of being indistinguishable. I know you're just ranting, but facing the inevitable gear failure whether I buy it now or don't and only buying true needs not wants is what has lessened my stress (and expenditures) significantly.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful time.
Work to live, not live to work.
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