30-08-2021, 11:37
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Island Time O25
I apologize if anyone was insulted but I am also a privacy nut. And got a fb account when they were not yet asking for tel.# and a shell empty email was enough. I don't think it is possible to do now so I would not be opening one today.
As far as privacy, any site you subscribe to can be hacked and your personal info stolen. The idea is not to not join but to not give out more info than a shell email with a bit different birth date, if required. And of course no real names.
Now, how many members of this forum subscribe to the above precautions? As opposed to having a shell email account on fb.
Well I do personally. Why I don't fb or any its ilk, mostly though because its a giant time suck with next to zero value for me.
However, sites don't need to be "hacked" when most people are giving the information away, a piece here, a nugget there, and snippet to someone else.
Sign up for lime, use there close-to-free electric scooters. Now I know where you live, your cc information, where you shop, when you shop, couple that with the info from inside starbucks, or publix I know what you buy, I can predict where you'll be at what time (btw, in some stores down to what aisle/shelf), whether you are diabetic, even know you are pregnant before you know yourself. Its endless.
Then come in the data aggregators that include that information, data from insurers, non-HIPAA medical data, credit report data, public records data.
Back when I was doing a lot of incident response and forensics work I paid for access to a tool for investigators (in the us you need a PI license to access) that aggregated this information, all from legal sources, that gave me a vast trove of information. Certainly enough to do an excellent job of identity theft, fraud etc. All from legal no hacking required information MOSTLY VOLUNTEERED by the individual themselves.
30-08-2021, 11:54
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
I can do Facebook but all I get with that link is one picture of a mast. Can't go anywhere from there. Was I supposed to join this unknown group? I don't join groups without knowing where it might go.
No shirt, no shoes, no problem!
30-08-2021, 17:29
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Oeanda
Same. Couldn’t view the link.
Funny unless you’re not on facebook...
Right on I don't understand why everyone on faceplant thinks everyone else is.
30-08-2021, 18:22
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by skipmac
PS I did not create the intro that shows in the video so accept no blame for the softcore porn in the link.
Boats? What boats?
30-08-2021, 18:57
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Island Time O25
I apologize if anyone was insulted but I am also a privacy nut. And got a fb account when they were not yet asking for tel.# and a shell empty email was enough. I don't think it is possible to do now so I would not be opening one today.
As far as privacy, any site you subscribe to can be hacked and your personal info stolen. The idea is not to not join but to not give out more info than a shell email with a bit different birth date, if required. And of course no real names.
Now, how many members of this forum subscribe to the above precautions? As opposed to having a shell email account on fb.
Anything associated with fb Hoovers up your contact list and everything else it can access on your machine. It's a self replicating virus/worm.  
If you aren't part of the solution, your the other part.
30-08-2021, 19:10
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Island Time O25
Seems to be a private FB site anyway so we will have to imagine what we can't see....................................
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air........
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882
30-08-2021, 19:20
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Here it is on Youtube. Enjoy?
30-08-2021, 19:51
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by C420sailor
Boats? What boats?
Look very closely. I'm pretty sure there's a boat in there somewhere.
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
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30-08-2021, 22:46
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Adelie
You may not mind ponying up your personal info to MarkZ & Co but a lot of us do....
Whilst the loss of privacy and Madison Avenue payouts are quite sufficient reasons to abhor Lonely Mark and his adolescent machinations, by far the most damage he's caused, to this 'early' date, is the anti-socialization of human interactions.
Note the 'content' that began this thread; ridiculing from afar a 'hapless'(?) sailor.
We'll leave to personal imagination what that says about who, and the reflection it provides of the 'facebook "society" '...and, perhaps, 'human' nature in general.
06-09-2021, 12:17
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Island Time O25
Do you guys use GPS or still use the paper charts? 
Paper charts obviously 🙄 well both, I find the tides easier on the paper ones. Everything else on the plotter.
I don’t own a pen or paper those are for old people.
But being a human I like choice, so no FB, my Tech kids rarely leave their PCs and they don’t have FB either - at least that’s what they tell me 😂.
If you lost battery power at sea your charts won’t work, being that I am in the 4th day of 2 engines failing to crank and at least 3 engineers plus 2 more on the phone don’t yet understand the issue, Basic is always better - engines are not on a boat
06-09-2021, 15:52
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by Island Time O25
I don’t do Farcebook either.
06-09-2021, 16:09
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by sepharad
Interesting how topics can change, but it's too good an opportunity to pass.
I was an early adopter of Facebook...and then an early abandoner. It became immediately apparent that every bit of data posted on my site was immediately being reorganized and sold.
I have a FB account because I helped build a resort in a country that relies on FB, and from time to time I have to update stuff for them.
It is interesting to see the increase in spam to my email accounts whenever I have bad to go into FB to work on their pages . .
After I have not been in FB for a while the spam tapers off.
I would not like to say it is 'directly caused' by FB. It is just a curious thing to observe. . .
12-09-2021, 12:10
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by C420sailor
Boats? What boats?
I have to admit, I have probably watched this video a dozen times. It's a great video, even without the turquoise bikini girl. But, she certainly doesn't make it worse!
Founding member of the controversial Calypso rock band, Guns & Anchors!
12-09-2021, 15:28
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Drop FB and "build back better".
12-09-2021, 18:49
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Re: Funny unless you're on one of these vessels.
Originally Posted by sepharad
Interesting how topics can change, but it's too good an opportunity to pass.
I resigned my membership in the Vancouver Yacht Association because it's forums are all on Facebook.
Here in Portugal, where small businesses try to save money by not having a web page, they use Facebook. I do not use their services or buy their products because I will not open a facebook account.
I was an early adopter of Facebook...and then an early abandoner. It became immediately apparent that every bit of data posted on my site was immediately being reorganized and sold. I do not use Twitter, Whatsapp or Zoom, as they all sell users data.
Contrary to the notion that I am a Luddite, I am technologically selective.
Such is choice.
I’m 100% with you, Shepharad. Social media is beginning to resemble the movie ‘Idiocracy’
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