Oh those dingies. We built a lovely little wooden dingy. She rows really well, and is lots of fun to sail.
Ihave , however, had my share of dingy incidents.
I somehow found myself with my feet in the dingy, behind in the
water, hanging onto the boat with one arm, and yelping for help. All turned out ok, except for some bruising and a that wet behind, along with a little embarrassment.
Then upon exiting the dingy one time, ( sail up) I actually did end up in the water. I note that the docks were to high to get out of the water easily. As you can see I did manage, but not without a bunch of scrapes. What a sight I was. Lots for the folks to talk about. IN fact someone dingied over to our boat later, and wondered if Mark had tossed me in, or if I had decided to swim, or had somehow managed to fall in.
I still like sailing that dingy, and rowing her. I surely do not take my exit or entering for granted.
Fair Winds