Chapter 1 Always allow the less fortunate sailer to win. you do not want to create any hard feeling with your superior sailing abilities
Chapter 2 Keeping the
beer in the
bilge water allows you to use less electricity
Chapter 3 Race committees are the devil of the weekend sailors. They think they know everything. Weekend housewives at there best
Chapter 4 It is better to give a sailor a handicap then have him bellow foul. Most likely been smoking some of the weekend preppy weed so he must be high
Chapter 5 Boat prep is done the week before so to save time on race day
Chapter 6 If the crew does not like it keelhaul them. Most are sissies anyway. Give me a cat-of-9 tails any-day
Chapter 7 Only weekend sailors trim
sails. host them and forget them.
Chapter 8 The only rules in racing are "with your superior abilities give the other sailor a chance"
Chapter 9 Most of the other crew members do not have your abilities so when you give them them the tactics and commands to win the race do not be disappointed when you lose because they did not listen to you
Chapter 10 Always say you are going to buy a couple of rounds,, then,, when it becomes time to pay slip out the back jack