20-05-2012, 20:17
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Originally Posted by captainKJ
He did have one new guy that seemed to know what was going on. Tried to find him in the bar to see if he wanted to join a real race crew but he had already scampered off. Doubt he'll be back as CapnADD seems to have that effect on good prospects. ADD was there eating burgers with some dumb looking kid with stars in his eyes telling tales of how the course was tough today and that the two guys who scampered let him down. I wouldn't let that kid clean my bilges...
That was funny,,,got me good
Typical day on the committee boat. The usual, "The course is biased BS. There is not enough wind. Too much wind. Took too long to set the course. Yada, yada."
ADD hit me up in the bar and said the committee timing was late and that he knew because he had two clocks going. Then he went to stuff his face on burgers and beer (not that he needed more beer, or burgers for that matter) and didn't even shout me a beer. Wanker...
20-05-2012, 20:38
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
while sitting with Captain ADD after the race I noticed many other sailors talking and looking at me and the captain. we Ignored them as the captain mentioned that they were jealous of his sailing abilities and it was to be expected.
Captain ADD went to talk to some preppy-looking captain. manicured nails, oxford shoes, spoke with a little air of ignorance type. An argument started with the preppy captain. Captain ADD tried to keep his voice down but hearing what was being said about his sailing abilities and such he kinda lost it. His face turned red and he flew into a rage, picking the preppy captain up over his head and walking to the end of the docks.
Several committee members, (i remember them from the boat) got captain ADD to let the preppy captain down without throwing him in the water. ADD flew into another rage shouting how the course was fixed and was never set up right. He vowed to set the course up himself or show the committee members how to do it next week.
Add sat back down all the while muttering to himself about weekend sailors and land lubbers were ruining the race. He said he longed for the days of sail were it was one hand for the ship and one for yourself. The days of climbing the mast on the square riggers,,, rounding the cape in storms.
I just can not believe that the preppy captain would want to pick a fight with an old sea dog like captain ADD. Preppy captain should fell lucky ADD said. In his younger years he would not have been talked down and would have keelhauled that sucker. Hope the preppy captain feels lucky and will show some respect to ADD next time.
Captain ADD and I finished several more beer and burgers and we parted ways for the evening. I will find it hard to sleep tonight,,,, looking up at the stars and wondering if i will ever be able to fill the shoes of Captain ADD
I can not wait for the next weekend race. if I am lucky maybe ADD will let me work on his boat during the week to get more experience. Hell, i would even clean the bilge's for nothing. What better way to learn about sailing than start at the bottom. As long as you have a Captain ADD looking out for you,,,,a sailor I will be in no time.
21-05-2012, 02:40
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Originally Posted by Target9000
I don't know that he was exactly a "Captain Bligh" type. He just seems like he is in his own world. He wasn't self righteous. It was as if whatever thought popped into his head was instantly right. No filter on his mouth. A thought came to him and popped out of his mouth no matter if it was right or wrong. Several times I suspect even he knew he had said the wrong thing but then his mind and mouth would just jump to the next thing. It was almost as if he had instantaneous ignorance of his mistakes.
I think he posts on CF quite a bit but I can't recall what name he uses.
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
21-05-2012, 10:08
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
I'm very tempted to reply but will hold my tongue... LOL, Capt Phil
21-05-2012, 10:10
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Oh come on Capt Phil. Let it out. It IS the sailor's confessional. I had a lot of trepidation posting the original story. God forbid the real Captain ADD read it.
Let your heart tell you where to go, but let your brain tell you how to get there.
21-05-2012, 10:17
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
He sounds like most racing skippers I've encountered..
Cape Dory 25D Seraph
21-05-2012, 10:18
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Hey, Target... this whole thread had me LMFAO... we can probably all see something of CaptADD in folks we have sailed/raced with... but my lips remain sealed!!! CP
21-05-2012, 10:34
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Originally Posted by Capt Phil
I'm very tempted to reply but will hold my tongue... LOL, Capt Phil
Capt P, I see you might have picked up on the pun identity of who I had in mind but others haven't... 
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
21-05-2012, 11:41
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Originally Posted by Wotname
Capt P, I see you might have picked up on the pun identity of who I had in mind but others haven't...  
I need to post a sticky note next to my mirror so every morning I see "Don't be Captain ADD today". Though I doubt such a note would work on him.
Let your heart tell you where to go, but let your brain tell you how to get there.
21-05-2012, 12:26
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Originally Posted by Target9000
I need to post a sticky note next to my mirror so every morning I see "Don't be Captain ADD today". Though I doubt such a note would work on him.
i want everybody to know that I am starting to take offense to my sailing idle Captain ADD. First off he is a fabulous sailor with salt water in his veins. He has sailed everything from dingys to tall sailing ships. If it was not for him I would not have caught the sailing bug. he is making me into a sailor. whipping me into shape.
If you,,, like everyone is jealous of his sailing abilities then I urge you to contact him and he will most likely give you free lessons. Sailing is his passion. With his experience I know he can out-sail everyone on this forum.
If you would just take the time to learn from him. How can people be so cruel to make fun of his abilities just because they themselves are lacking in them.
If you had only been there the first time I sailed with him you would know what I mean. He can navigate with his eyes closed just listening to the waves and feeling the wind. He needs no modern electronics as in his opinion they separate the real sailors from the weekend sailors.
If the sailing community would just listen to him. Learn from his experience. He is showing me the ropes as we speak. I feel fortunate to be able to sail under his direction as swabbie. Soon I expect to be promoted to mate.
Just today he showed me how to tie a squareknot. In his experience you only need to know 2 knots. Why do weekend sailors say you need more than that.
In notime at all I will be sailing my own race. Watch out everyone,,,,MateADD is on the way
Swabbie Greenhorn
21-05-2012, 12:49
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
love it!!! CP
21-05-2012, 12:54
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Just like CaptainADD said to me,,will be there in no time at all if I stay under his watchfull eye,,
21-05-2012, 13:02
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Next week CaptainADD promised he would teach me how to bring a sailboat into dock,,,his maneuvering skills are desired by many sailors but they just lack the courage to ask him how...
21-05-2012, 16:14
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
Now you have upset the man.  This is his latest missive to me via pm.
I have been away for a week leading an expedition of failed racing skippers back into mainstream life and also giving a motivational speech to the troops in Afghanistan. Upon reading the thread it seems the only decent human being on here (apart from Coops of course) is the greenhorn. His well balanced and perfect reading of the situation leads me to believe that he is the best potential skipper that i have ever met and the rest of you should quake in your wetboots when the day comes that i have taught him all i know and will let him loose on you lot.
The fact that you all seem to get so much pleasure out of openly giving me a hard time is proof to me that low self esteem seems to be the primary requirement to being a winner on the circuit. Well i can only say that i am glad that i do not seem to suffer from the syndrone, and my ego is always kept in firm check so that i do not go the other way and appear to be a pompous ass to those of less skills and intelligence. ie. everybody.
Finally, i have to tell greenhorn that i only taught him two knots because he is learning. Once he has acquired my level of expertise he will find out that he only needs one.
Don't let your ineptitude stop you from sailing is what i tell people, it does not seem to stop the racers. See you on the water, well, you will see me, because i don't take much notice of who else is out there.
Capt ADD
When somebody told me that I was delusional, I almost fell off of my unicorn.
21-05-2012, 16:35
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Re: A Tale of Two "Captains"
THANK you for standing up for Captain ADD,,but I do have to say he does not need it. I live for sailing now due to Captain ADD. Someday I hope and pray that I will be able to fill his shoes. IF I can be half the sailor that he is I feel my life would be content and complete.
i will work even harder now that I know you have noticed my abilities.
swabbi Greenhorn
PS. thanks for the promotion to swabbie,,,looking forward to promotion to mate soon
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