Originally Posted by imagine2frolic
They are looking at the 25th of June as a possible coming home. It will be fun to watch him. He seems very real, and humble........i2f
I'd like to swoop down from
SF Bay to see him come in.
You should keep us all posted on his event.
I seem to
recall that when the lad in the 1960's, about his age, came home to Los Angeles on his
boat "Dove," there were only a couple of dozen well wishers. I was surprised at that given the effort and the love of
boating that so many have. By the way, the youth who did that in the 1960's, Robin Grahm, emailed the
current lad, Zac, to wish him well.
The huge difference that shouldn't be overlooked is that Robin Grahm, at a similar age in the 1960's, accomplished his feat without the benefit of
electronics. No
GPS, no
weather expert sending daily
advice, no
email. In fact, if I remember correctly, the
current lad (ZAC), admitted to not even knowing how to use a sextant!
Just the same, Zac will have accomplished so much. What a life time memory! Some of the critics said his parents shouldn't have let him escape high
school training. My theory was that he learned ten times what he would have learned in a high
school classroom. His
boating "education" will never be forgotten... world geography, self sufficiency, ability to handle loneliness and fear alone, an understanding of the ocean and
weather, cultural differences among all the populations he encountered,
small boat handling skills (27'), public relations in dealing with the world media, etc. He'll be rusty on math and science, but with some brief effort, he can catch up. He IS ahead of his peers as of his return.