Thought that you might be interested that here in Tasmania today there was a report of the "wave rider bouy" off the coast of southern Tasmania recording a wave height of 18metres (58feet) today.
We must have got the same swell up here over the last few days, but it arrived at about 2-3 m with mainly moderate offshore winds. I bet when they saw that thing coming at you the boys down your way were getting ready for a bit of tow in surfing at shipsterns?
It is never too polite a trade-off that the fronts some surfers are hoping will bring perfect waves can also cause so much destruction and even death. A real paradox that at least has taught me to read weather maps and respect the power of the ocean.
__________________ Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. - Voltaire
It is never too polite a trade-off that the fronts some surfers are hoping will bring perfect waves can also cause so much destruction and even death. A real paradox that at least has taught me to read weather maps and respect the power of the ocean.
Shane me hearty (still talking like a pirate day)
I bet one day you'll post pics of yourseld, harnessed up as you sail solo, surfing your own bow wave on a short board in some weather we'd all rather be oblivious of!