Originally Posted by iSaint
I found the book that chronicles his story in our local library the other day. It was on the sale rack for fifty cents. I didn't realize who it was until I got the book home and Googled his name. I had read the story of their capsizing earlier but it didn't cross my mind. The book is signed by Cultra.
In an interesting turn of
events, I have been able to meet with, and give the book mentioned above (Queequeg's Odyssey) to Mr. Leo Sherman, the lone survivor of the wreck of Queequeg II. He contacted me about the book via private message on this forum. It turned out that he was in
New Orleans at the time, a mere 70 miles from my home. He was gracious enough to stop by my classroom and speak to my students about his adventure turned tragic. It was a humbling event that I feel honored to be a part of in a small way. I'm glad he is in possession of this book.