Hmmmm..... "mooring fields OK'd and "anchoring allowed outside of mooring fields only by approval of the Fish and Wildlife Commission".....? Sure sounds like the end of anchoring to me...........?
Hmmmm..... "mooring fields OK'd and "anchoring allowed outside of mooring fields only by approval of the Fish and Wildlife Commission".....? Sure sounds like the end of anchoring to me...........?
You really have to READ the entire legislation. Even the summary talks to this point and notes that the FL FWC will not approve anchoring restrictions near the mooring fields unless they are in accordance with the intent / language of this bill. Plus there are a very limited number of mooring fields in the test program. Plus note the definition of live-aboard vessels that clearly does NOT include cruising boats.
This is a BIG improvement over the hodge-podge of local ordinances (like Marco Island) that were very restrictive.
I'll pass on that and take your word for it! I hope for all of us it is a good thing.... It's just such a differnt world down there in FL compared with here inthe NW. I have sailed both extensively. One of the beauties of the boating life is being free to move around and do what you want, seems so restrictive down there now, someone looking over your shoulder.......ahh, but the beautiful weather!