I've decided to reenter the conversation. I refuse to let one or two AGW communist bullies to silence me. So here is something I found interesting. Oh. It makes a mockery of the oft repeated mantra "scientific consensus".
Before I post about Antarctica. I would like to point out that the famous Berkley Professor who was rehired by Berkley University after publicly becoming a AGW follower admitted his seminal AGW
research was based on flawed data. He admitted that 80% to 93% of source temperature data was discarded by the data collectors.
Funny that this scientific hoax hasn't even caused a ripple. But I must have gotten under the skin of a couple of posters here who saw fit to not only attack me here but to follow me to other threads and make snide attacks. Unable to address the issue itself that I raised they sank to the well known socialist/communist agitators handbook. Attack the messenger if you can't attack the message.
So getting back to the Antarctic.
Climate models predicted Antarctic sea ice would shrink as a result of global warming, but the opposite happened. Antarctic sea ice actually increased in the last two decades.
Chinese scientists compared climate model sea ice predictions to actual observations from 1979 to 2005 and found “the main problem of the [climate] models is their inability to reproduce the observed slight increase of sea ice extent.”
As it turns out, natural variability plays a big role here as well.
“Sea ice extent is strongly influenced by the winds and these have increased from the south over the Ross Sea, contributing to a small increase in total Antarctic sea ice since the late 1970s,” Turner said. “The increase in ice seems to be within the bounds of natural variability.”
Had Chinese researchers gone beyond 2005, they would have found more than just a slight increase. 2014 was the first year on
record that Antarctic sea ice coverage rose above 7.72 million square miles. By Sept. 22, 2014, sea ice extent reached its highest level on
record — 7.76 million square miles.
Antarctica also had unique ocean currents that keep surface waters cooler than the rest of the world.
A June 2016 study found Antarctica has a unique
current pulls cold
water from the Southern Ocean’s depths to the surface, causing the surface
water to be colder than, say, in the Arctic. Cold water has helped sea ice hit record levels in 2014.
Read more:
Few Signs Of Global Warming In Antarctica | The Daily Caller