Greetings and welcome aboard the CF, horror
FWIW, some us do hear about “thwartings”, and know a little about what our Naval vessels are doing out there.
For your edification:
Shipping Centre ➥
NATO Shipping Centre (numnwsvwb2): NATO Shipping Centre (NSC)
Common Advice from the Naval Forces to the Yachting Community:
danger of
piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin is high and continues to increase. Naval forces strongly recommend that yachts do not transit this area. Merchant ships use Best Management Practices (BMP) to win time for the naval forces to assist them. With a low freeboard and slow speed, yachts are particularly vulnerable to pirate attack. Any direct response from naval assets will depend on the proximity to the incident and may not occur. BMP3 and the self protection measures described in them were not designed for cruising yachts nor will they be sufficient to prevent boardings by Somali pirates.
Flyer to Yachts ➥
Counter Piracy Operation Ocean Shield
➥ NATO Shipping Centre (numnwsvwb2): Counter Piracy Operation Ocean Shield
This operation, which spells an extension by NATO of counter piracy operations, will entail the following military tasks:
(1) Deter, disrupt and protect against pirate attacks, rendering assistance to ships in extremis as required.
(2) Actively seek suspected pirates and prevent their continued activity through detention, seizure of vessels and property, and the
delivery of suspects and evidence to designated law enforcement authorities, in accordance with NATO agreements.
(3) Facilitate and support the development of regional states’ capacity to conduct effective counter-piracy operations, in coordination with other related international efforts.
(4) Coordinate NATO operations and initiatives with coalition maritime forces, EU naval forces, and other non-NATO forces conducting counter piracy operations off the Horn of
Of course, all counter piracy efforts are closely coordinated with the EU Maritime
Security Centre Horn of
Africa (MSC HOA). MSC HOA also has the lead role in the coordination of the group transits through the Gulf of Aden.