We crossed end of November. It was still antigen(for vaccinated) and 5 day. As of the 23rd, it changed to 72 hours, but antigen is still accepted (for vaccinated) until end of the 6th. On the 7th of January, rules change to PCR only and 72 hours, so not in effect yet.
By the end of January the protocols may have improved, but who can say.
There is a provision for sailors who can prove that they have been at sea, causing them to be beyond the 72 hours. The association of bahamas
marinas shares all updates.
Facebook group bahamas land sea also keeps up to date info and support
We went thru the abacos in April, heading north, and
hurricane debris was present but in no way inhibited
anchoring or
mooring. Some docks weren't quite rebuilt, but most were well underway. I recomend at least trafelling thru, they could use some business.