I've seen two things on other
forums (or is that fora?) which are really nice, and I think CF would benefit if these features were available to implement here:
1) When clicking "New Posts," on this forum we need to keep paging down until we find the line:
The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts."
Below that line are threads I've already chosen NOT to look at. Why even bother to show them?
Ideally, when I click "New Posts," I should be presented with just the posts that have been updated since my last visit. Personally, I prefer to go in chronological order, so I have to guess which page that line may be on, click that page number, then page up and down until I find it.
It would be so much easier (and save time and bandwidth, especially on a slow cell or marina connection) if it only displayed the pages I'm likely to care about - the ones updated since my last visit.
2) "Likes"
One forum I visit allows users to "like" a post. This is SO much better than having to quote it and say "+1." The "thank" feature is nice, but it's quite a few extra steps and other users can't see it. The "Likes" are shown on a line at the bottom of the post, which is much less obtrusive than a series of separate "+1" posts.
The "like" button encourages good behavior. Let's face it, it feels good to be "liked," and that encourages people to post positive, helpful replies, rather than dash off a negative rebuttal.
It also brings people back to see if what they said was "liked."
So overall, you get more positive posts, fewer useless "+1" posts, members being nicer to each other, and an overall more positive forum.
That's a win-win-win to me.