Not long after I originally joined the forum, in 2006, I proposed a new forum category focused on "Things that Work". Out of that evolved the Forum Category "Product and
Service Reviews".
Since 2006--when we had all of about 2500 participants, most of whom were somewhat if not quite experienced with varying knowledge and/or skill levels CF has expanded enormously. That's good and bad. Good for the sponsors (I assume), not so good for the
core membership because of the redundant inquiries--"I searched but could not find...". Leading the pack, it seems, is the "Hi! I'm new, don't know anything about
boats or sailing but want to buy a
boat and sail to ______ (fill in the blank with anywhere that come to mind) and will appreciate any help. Frequently followed by responses that, while undoubtedly well intended, are too superficial to be very helpful. Often, later, the same "Newbees" are back with new posts something on the order of "I bought a
boat but discovered ______ (fill in the blank again) and NEED HELP! (or "a tow to 'Open Water'..."). These later threads responded to with sometimes predominantly unhelpful remonstrations on the order of " should have...could have...ought'a ______ (fill in the blank)".
I'm thinking it would be worth compiling all of the "Newbie" threads in a new category: "Newbie--New to Sailing/Have Questions" where the new Newbies could be directed (and any threads they start relocated) with the possibility that they might find answers to their questions from previous responses to other earlier newbies and, hopefully, learn from the
mistakes of their predecessor Newbies.
The recent thread by the person with the "Nom de Plume" "Carebear" comes to mind. That lady came looking for help after she and her husband had already gotten behind the 8-Ball. In the event, when they were presented with a material modification of their
Purchase and
Sale Agreement, they should have stopped right then and there and asked questions here or elsewhere before weakly acquiescing. A right to remain on the seller's
dock at no charge until the new owners had completed the necessary
repairs to ensure the boat was serviceable for its intended purpose was a material element of consideration in the transaction and when denied/withdrawn, changed the deal invalidating the prior "meeting of the minds" in the Agreement.
Water over the dam (for them) at this point but....
Maybe, if there is a specific place on CF for new Newbies, they can find answers so that the same things don't have to be repeated over'n over'n over, to no good effect and wasting bandwidth...