The app does not::::
..........Allow thank you's sent, and when you get a thank you, it forces you to the browser version to see what you are being thanked for.
..........Avatars rarely show, just blanks and never a larger
avatars for paid members when they do show.
..........Images only show the first time you look at a post. After another post is added to thread, the image disappears forever. To see the image again, one is forced to open the browser.
Images, when they do show, do not finger scroll in the android ver of the app, only
iPhone ver.
..........this app, looks almost identical in appearance to another app for another sailboat forum. If you post on both, as I do, it can get confusing as to which forum you are doing what on, especially if you are tired.
..........The report a post, and reply to post are right next to one another when you post, and the screens they open are not marked, and are identical except no attachment button in the report a post. On several occasions, who knows how many, when I think I posted something, it is no posted. I accidentally sentry post to the mods only. I bet they love that. Lol.
..........Signatures do not show up in the android version. There is a provision for adding a different signature than the signature in the browser, or the same one, but if you switch signature on in the app, it does not post using the app.
...........this is a big one, for both the app, and the browser. Why only allow a few minutes for an edit to post? The few minutes allowed is too short. In a thread where temps flare, many posters would tame down their own posts, after they cool down, and have a chance to read what they said. Your short edit window, what, ten minutes?, does not give the posters enough time to self moderate our own posts. Open that edit window for hours, not a couple piddely minutes. I own two
forums, and I give posters a week to make revisions to posts.