There are four “buttons” (edit, quote, multi-quote, & quick reply) at the bottom right of each post.
The second from the right (quote marks on orange background) is the “Multi Quote” icon.
Gord May "If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
At the absolute risk of appearing like a fresh baked newbie I have been trying to figure out ( for a while I sheepishly add ) how to even reply to a post using a quoted phrase /section.
I hereby give myself the "dipstick of the month award" after I realised how #$%^ easy it was.
Boat: Schioning 12.3 "Wilderness" Bi-Rig under construction
Posts: 550
Originally Posted by GordMay
There are four “buttons” (edit, quote, multi-quote, & quick reply) at the bottom right of each post.
The second from the right (quote marks on orange background) is the “Multi Quote” icon.
Originally Posted by john connell
At the absolute risk of appearing like a fresh baked newbie I have been trying to figure out ( for a while I sheepishly add ) how to even reply to a post using a quoted phrase /section.
I hereby give myself the "dipstick of the month award" after I realised how #$%^ easy it was.
Thanks Gordmay.
Thanks guys easy when yuu know how
Use the multi quote for all but the last and use the normal quote for that one, EASY
I finally figured out why people are quoting the whole message in their posts instead of just selected phrases. It's because even if you select a phrase and use the quote button the whole post gets quoted. I have always used the quote icon on the tool bar to quote text that I have selected and copied/pasted into my post.
Should the quote button copy the whole post into a new post? It makes for some extremely long threads and unnecessary scrolling. I would like to see the quote function changed to just copy the selected text into the new post.