I don't subscribe to any, but I buy the occasional copy of something if it looks good. Also, my sister works at a book store in the magazine department, and if I'm lucky, she occasionally brings over out of date copies that they can't sell and can't return for whatever reason.
My favorite so far has been Latts&atts, even though I know it's not been looked upon highly by most around here.
Rick has been reading Passagemaker for about 4 years now. I got him a gift subscription a couple of years back. That is the only one we subscribe to, but there may be others that he reads on line that I don't know about.
Despite it's faults I do enjoy Practical Sailor. Good Old Boat is always a good read, Cruising Helmsman (australian publication) is worth a read but comes across as a tad advertorial, Cruising World which I hadn't read for a long time but picked up their latest issue is rubbish, Latts and Atts is worth a chuckle but I wouldn't bother paying for the printed addition.
Andrew B
“Life is a trick, and you get one chance to learn it.”
― Terry Pratchett.
I know that Prflyer1 and I are very late to this party, but I did want to offer one I particularly like. It is 'Lectronic Latitude, available free online from the folks who put out Latitude 38 in the San Francisco Bay area. You can get on their subscriber list, and you'll find a copy of it in your email box when they update - usually every few days.