How did you find the CruisersForum? It might be valuable to know how our
membership came to find us - either to do “more of that”, or to diversify our “searchability”.
I tried several “Google” web-searches* this morning:
* ie:
Yacht Maintainance - ranked #1
Maintenance - not in the first 45 returns
Yacht Maintainance,
Boat Building, Tips & Tricks - ranked #2
Cruising sailors - ranked #4
“Cruising sailors” - ranked #3
“Sailing Forum” - ranked #7
Sailing Forum - ranked #9
cruising + sailboat - not in the first 45 returns
sailboat cruising - not in the first 45
cruising information - not in the first 45
Sailing with
transmission in N or R - not in the first 45
Note the yacht
maintenance vs maintainance spelling had very different results.
Spellmign is all- important in web-searching!