The past two or three days I have been experiencing an annoying "glitch" that I'm not sure is in CF or a setting in my computer. I am running a MacBookAir5,2, Intel
Core i7, 8 GB of RAM and have latest OS with all updates installed.
When reading entries and scrolling down, the page suddenly jumps back up to the top and I have to scroll down to get back where I was. I will get to read for 5 to 7 seconds and it jumps back up to the top. Very maddening!
I've tried to narrow down what I see happening when the jumps occur, as they are intermittent. It may sound crazy but I believe it is associated with an Ad insert (block) at the top, right under the header. When the jumping occurs that Ad block is always playing short, snippet Ads in
movie format. Every time the jump occurs I put my cursor on the
movie and see it is 4 to 6 seconds into playing. I'll scroll down and boom, jumps back to the top.
Anyone else experiencing this problem and if so, did you find a solution?
PS: I have posted this in Tech Support and Site help so maybe with way more smarts than me can shed some light!