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Old 12-04-2006, 11:08   #1
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Community Tagline Contest!

Over the months to come we will be working on lots of various initiatives. One of them includes branding. That being said, our brand needs to tell other who we are. Well we know the name of the site and the url (that's easy) but what we need now is an official tagline.
"A name alone just isn't enough. You've got to explain in a few words what it is you do. That's the job of the tagline.

Remember, unless you're terribly famous, no one knows what you do or what you sell. That's why you need a tagline. It's one of the smartest investments you'll make.

The name you give your company along with your tagline can make or break you. " ~
Obviously this is not going to break us, but it is the chance to tell others who we are in a few simple words. Imagine that we all have t-shirts and we are at a marina with them on. There is a guy in line behind you and he is looking at the back of your shirt. He see our logo and below it reads the tagline. That tadline needs to catch his attention, get the message of who/what we are and intice him to come checkout our community.
williamarruda says…
"Your tag line should be 'catchy' and it should speak directly to your target audience and differentiation. A good place to start is to make a list of all the things that differentiate your offerings from your competitors. Then think about which of those differentiators is compelling to your target audience."
So this is your chance to help Cruisers Forum out and put your creative juices to work thinking up a catchy tadline for our community.

For the next 6 weeks, please post your idea for a community tagine to this thread. We will periodically list them all together in the second post of this thread. Then at the end we will go through a few rounds of voting until we have a winner. The reason the window is so long is because in about a month we will send out a newsletter letting our "not so regular" members know about all the software upgrades, new admin/mod team members, other changes and this contest. We want them to have time to put in their ideas too...

Then we will start with a multiple selection vote where we will whittle down the entries to the top selections. If needed we will have another multi selection vote to once again trim things down to the top 3. Then it will be a single selection vote for our winner. The whole process might take a while and seem a bit overboard but in the end we will have a great tagline!

We also did this on (another site I manage) and you can see here how it worked 2nd Round Vote & Final Vote.

The winnder gets $50 (sent via PayPal).

So post your entries (up top 5) today!

When you are ready for me to add them to the official entires below, please send me a PM with your entires.
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:09   #2
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Here is the list of entries by member: (up to 5 per member)

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Old 31-10-2006, 14:57   #3
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I have moved all entries so far to the post above. I will send out some of these and solicite more ideas in the next newsletter (which I hope to send out in the next week).

Please remember a tagline should be SHORT & SWEET.
It is not a whole sentance but just a few words.
This is your chance to come up with that catchy tag line that will be added to our logo and be the saying that people remember. So get creative, take the best of the submissions so far and make a new version, I know with all the minds we have on here we can come up with that perfect short and sweet tad line that clearly tells people what we are about!

Plus you get $50 and lots of recognition if you win!!!
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