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Old 02-04-2006, 21:21   #1
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Old 02-04-2006, 21:29   #2
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Old 06-04-2006, 04:12   #3
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Dumb question:
How do I turn OFF the AUTOMATIC “Mark all Read” function.
I often view the forum in very short visits, and like to MANUALLY “Mark as Read” individual threads, leaving unread posts as “New” for my next visit. (I know, they remain visible as "Recent").
Gord May
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Old 06-04-2006, 08:22   #4
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Originally Posted by GordMay
How do I turn OFF the AUTOMATIC “Mark all Read” function. I often view the forum in very short visits, and like to MANUALLY “Mark as Read” individual threads, leaving unread posts as “New” for my next visit.
There is no automatic "mark all read" function.

Are you using the New Post link at the top of the page? It will show you all new posts since your last visit and also post that are new that you have not read since the visit before. Let me know if that helps?
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Old 09-04-2006, 20:33   #5
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A quick question-- is there a time limit now for editing your own posts after you post them? For post I've done lately, it seems like the edit button is there for making changes for awhile, and then it's gone. It was nice before to fix typos and other other things with the edit button.


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Old 09-04-2006, 20:48   #6
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I second Jim H's acknowledgement over the edit button. I believe a person has a right to "edit" or "remove" a post they feel they don't want on a thread!!

Why does these posts get locked in. After a hour after posting? Could we have this feature fixed or removed?

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Old 10-04-2006, 00:36   #7
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Although it is a "nice" feature in some ways, it can also be a bad one. The "lock out" is a good safeguard for anyone who posts. It means someone with malicouse intent, can't go in a tamper with your post or compleately remove it or part of it.
It safe guards everyone.
Personaly, I would recomend that there is NO edit button available to the everyday poster. If should there be post that needs removing, it should be done via a Moderator or Admin. That gets done regularly here and we have some strict rules to adhere to. Plus no one Admin person can "Delete" something into never land, without it being checked and cleared by others first. That safeguards us as Admin as well.

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Old 10-04-2006, 10:31   #8
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I may be a bear of little brain, but there is a big difference between an edit and a deletion.

Following written by wheels
Arrrh yes winnie, but see the power someone has via this button? If I wish, I can change what you say, delete what you said and add what you didn't.
regular transmision will now resume
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Old 10-04-2006, 14:36   #9
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Hey Talbot!!

Sounds like "Big Brother" is watching?

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Old 10-04-2006, 15:11   #10
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But that is easy, the edit function should be restricted solely to the originator.
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Old 10-04-2006, 16:00   #11
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The edit button is only seen by the poster. Admins and moderators also see the edit button in case they need to edit someone elses post.

The time limit is because often there are issues where someone will post one thing and then go back and change what they say which disrupts the continuity of the discussion. If you need to edit a post that you made that is over an hour old, please Private Message (PM) a moderator or administrator and let them know what you would like to change. They can then help you out...
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Old 11-04-2006, 08:45   #12
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Originally Posted by Andy R
The edit button is only seen by the poster. Admins and moderators also see the edit button in case they need to edit someone elses post.

The time limit is because often there are issues where someone will post one thing and then go back and change what they say which disrupts the continuity of the discussion. If you need to edit a post that you made that is over an hour old, please Private Message (PM) a moderator or administrator and let them know what you would like to change. They can then help you out...
With respect, I find this a troubling change. I just did a quick check, and I can still edit my old posts at Sailnet and Lats and Atts discussion boards.

Is the lost of continuity really a problem on this board? I know of only one thread where I noticed that old posts were disappearing, but that seemed to be more of a case of people being embarrassed by what they said, and maybe they had the right to clean it up. I'd like to think that we're adults on this board, and could be trusted to use the edit button.


Jim H
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Old 11-04-2006, 21:47   #13
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Is there a button that says " Mark all forums as read " There used to be a button to do this. I have found the new posts button, but if I do not open them they seem to stick around, as in they do not go away. If I take a week off and come back there will be a million posts that I can not do anything about. That makes visiting the site tedious. Will be much worse if I take more than a week off. Why can't I take time off and go sailing ?
If someone has an issue with one of my posts and I do not answer ( I went sailing ) they can PM me and ask me to respond.
What happens to this post right after I post it. They used to show up after hammering " Read new posts "
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Old 11-04-2006, 21:55   #14
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BC Mike C once whispered in the wind

Is there a button that says " Mark all forums as read " There used to be a button to do this.
Yeah at the bottom of all the thread areas are. You'll see two buttons.

The button on the left hand side is that button!!

Here's the link:

Hope that helps?

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Old 12-04-2006, 18:15   #15
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Perhaps a poll could be taken re: the "edit" button issue?

I strongly "vote" for the original poster to be able to edit or remove his/her post at any time.

Sometimes I change my mind or my view or opinion, and want to be able to act accordingly.

If a thread is "drifting," an "administrator" can make a post in the thread pointing that out.

On the other hand, on occasion (perhaps rare) the "drift" makes a thread more interesting or pertinent

I "drifted" away from Lats & Atts BB because it became too often too loose for my taste. I hope this forum doesn't evolve too far the other direction in which "Big Brother" takes too much control.
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