There's an ad for "Login Blocker" that looks like the Login button but takes you to a site that wants to add an extension to your browser. If you really hunt around you can see the original Login button. Can you not remove that objectionable ad?
Craig Briggs
Craig, if you install Ad Block it will stop this appearing and leave the normal log in screen below. The button you refer to looks like something from Google Ads, which I don't see unless I turn Ad Block off.
I will pass this on, but I don't know if we can turn one Google Ad off.
Try clicking the small 'X' up in the top/rt corner of that Google Ad and go through the process of "not display ads of this type" and you might get a 'better' ad if there is such a thing.....
The site admin should talk to your provider about this, it looks like the front page has a little hacking problem. Meaning its possible someone added a redirect code in the welcome page (log button).