Thread: Mold Killer
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Old 07-01-2007, 14:56   #4

Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 4,525
Let me tell you info from another thread and massive mold experience. I had it so bad when I got this boat, I thought it was just some dirt. It was evil, NASTY Wisconsin Black Mold. Harsh stuff. It actually showed up as pnumonia in a chest x-ray I had and I didn't even know I was that affected.

Here's the absolute best, 100% best way to clean it so you only have to do it once a year at best:

1) Get a real mask (like with the removable metal screw on cartridges that will also protect you from chlorine) and gloves to protect you from spores while you clean. These things are highly toxic and you actually get more and more sensitive to them the more you are around them. I didn't believe it at first, but then found out the hard way.

2) Buy some kind of laundry detergent (powdered), some bottles of Clorox, and 20 Mule Team Borax. All of the above can be found in a grocery store.

3) Get a bucked of fresh water, mix in laundry detergent, a healthy dose of bleach and a real healthy dose of borax.

4) Get out some ScotchBrite pads, a sponge and a stiff bristle brush.

5) Don your space suit.

6) Put bleach in a sprayer bottle, full strength.

7) Start by spraying bleach on all the mold. Spray a nice, heavy coat on. Watch the mold turn to yellow, then start to fade out. Now you can take your mixture of borax, detergent and bleach and scrub until the surface looks brand new. You will get any water stains off this way too.

8) After scrubbing, drain or remove any standing water and let the area dry. Use a fan if there isn't enough ventillation to have it dry naturally. DO NOT RINSE!!!

That's it. The bleach will kill the mold and help clean the area, while the detergent freshens it up. The borax stays put after you're done scrubbing and keeps the pH such that mold can't regrow. The only time you'll get more growth is if the borax gets washed out by running water coming in, or slowly degrades after a couple years.

If you have running water coming in, you need to fix the leak to keep from having more mold.

It is imperative to not take any shortcuts too. You must remove all dead mold, or it will give new mold something to feast on while it's growing. We did this toward the end of the summer this year and remain mold free right now, living aboard, cooking aboard, etc...

This methods works like crazy, and your boat will feel fresh and clean inside, instead of stale and "thick."
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